Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from September.
time lapse
August 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from August.
July 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from July.
June 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from June.
May 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from May.
April 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from April.
March 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from March.
February 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portiats from February.
January 6x6 Pet Portraits
It has been awhile since I uploaded the pet portraits I do each week. These are all of the ones from January.
The time I spend on each varies, as does the quality of the photos I am working from, so they all look a bit different!
Ryan and Grandpa, 9x12, Oil on Canvas
Ryan and Grandpa Oil Painting
Happy Birthday to my brother and my grandpa! This painting was a gift for my brother's birthday, which he shared with my late grandpa.
I pretty much just focused on reproducing the photo with some more painterly aspects. Ideally I would love to do a painting like this a bit larger and and bit looser. I kept this one pretty tight due to time restraints. In a painting where I do paint the background, I do like ones like this, there are some recognizable elements, but they can be abstracted and a bit fuzzy.
It was also a bit difficult to paint this one due to it's only been a little over a year since my amazing grandpa passed. This photo was taken before I existed, but it shows what a caring, great person he was. Also he was always so tan!
Anyway, Happy Birthday to them both!