Oil painting of Yutsuko!
Tiger Acrylic Painting
Painting of Tiger the cat!
September 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from September.
August 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from August.
July 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from July.
June 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from June.
A Member of the Family
This month I am part of group show at Fourth Corner Frames called "A Member of the Family". This past Friday was the art opening, where all the artists were there to participate in Bellingham's Monthly Art Walk. The other artists, Haley Apollo, Linda Clark, Kay Davin, Emily Dieleman, and Karen Theusen, all had fabulous work and were a pleasure to talk to. Everyone's work was very different and it made for a very cohesive show. It was great to talk to local artists and local customers!
Show title with Karen Theusen's work below it.
All of my work that was on display was made within the past year, except the Basset Hound painting. Eight of my pieces were in oil and three were in acrylic. I think the large painting of Atlas was a favorite, probably due to it's size. Large paintings are my favorite!
Scout in the window.
My work on the wall.
The painting of Scout was up in the window, my only worry with this was people were not aware that it was my work unless they looked at the back of the painting.
My cousin and I.
Overall it was a great opening and it will be up all month! So be sure to take some time and head to Fourth Corner Frames & Gallery and take a look!
May 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from May.
April 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from April.
March 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the pet portraits from March.