Oil painting of Yutsuko!
Tiger Acrylic Painting
Painting of Tiger the cat!
Powder Acrylic Painting
Painting of Powder!
Shakespeare Oil Painting
This is Shakespeare, a very special kitty that passed away. He belonged to one of my friends and is missed!
Gus Acrylic Painting
This painting is of Gus! Another painting from this past holiday season!
Emma Acrylic Painting
This painting is one of Emma. Emma was a cat that passed a few years ago and has been painted by many different artists locally. This painting is up at the local pet after care center here in Bellingham, Radiant Heart After-Care for Pets. This allows people to see the many different styles of pet portraits done by different artists.
September 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from September.
August 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from August.
July 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from July.
June 6x6 Pet Portraits
Here are all of the 6x6 pet portraits from June.