new year

New Year Goals!

I think it is a good idea to make some goals for the New Year. These are not resolutions mind you, just keeping it loose and not full of guilt if they don’t happen to get completed! I am just going to write up bullet points to get a general idea of what my plans and goals are for this year. In no particular order:

·        Paint more paintings (wild animals vs. pets)

·        Deck of Cat Cards

·        Deck of Rescue Cards

·        Produce other inventory items to sell

·        Clean/Refurnish Studio

·        Get Newsletter going again

·       Do some giveaways!

·        Find gallery representation

·        Show around town (goal of 4 times)

·        Participate in an art fair

·        Travel and take more animal reference photos

·        Do more charity/support work

·        Research more into anatomy

·        Research more into zoology

·        Practice and learn more about sculpture

·        Re-vamp website?

·        Organize all computers! (seriously my computers are a mess!)

·        Start streaming on youtube or twich?

·        Play more soccer and ultimate so I don’t go crazy inside all the time

·        Walk the corgis at a consistent time!

·        Work in a café or somewhere other than my studio sometimes

·        Visit more galleries

·        Get better at promoting my art

There are probably way more things I could add to this list, but I think it is a good start. What do you want to get done this year?

Organizing a NEW YEAR!

Happy NEW YEAR! It is 2018 and everything is bright, new, and shiny! Well not really, but we can pretend the slate is wiped clean and we get to start again.

With this New Year comes planning and organizing for the New Year! While I attempt to do this to an extent every year, I usually end up with a hodge-podge organization system by, oh, February. I am the type of person who writes things down on paper, multiple pieces of tiny scrap paper that is.

So this year I am starting with a Bullet Journal. A Bullet Journal is essentially a planner where YOU get to (have to?) write everything down. The method was originally created by a gentleman who wanted a simple method to keep track of to do lists, it has evolved into a cult of crafty people who obsess with penmanship (not really, just people passionate about planning). While I am NOT passionate about planning, I do like getting my thoughts on paper and it does help me focus.

Monthly Layout.

Monthly Layout.

Weekly Layout. 

Weekly Layout. 

Daily Layout. 

Daily Layout. 

Another reason I am going with this planning method is, I knew I was not a fan of pre-printed pages, as they never really contain what I personally need. In this, I can add pages on goals, business plans, monthly, weekly and daily layouts, and more. I can create all my lists in one spot and work in (hopefully) one place.

So in planning out the New Year, one of my goals is to use this system and try to stick with it. If you have questions on this system let me know and I can direct you to resources!