Today’s blog post is a bit different than usual, today we are going to do a profile piece on none other than the Birthday Boy Theo! (It does relate to painting in the end!)
Theo and his litter, he was the goofy looking one!
Theo, still tiny.
Theodore was born this day 6 years ago, dubbed Rollie at birth, and I really can’t believe that my little Corgi is 6 already. He is technically a mixed breed dog known as an Augie, a mix between a Corgi and a Mini Aussie. He is 7/8 Corgi and only 1/8 Mini Aussie, so I just default to Corgi.
Theo is my athlete, all 20 lbs of him. He loves nothing more than fetch, he lives for it. I will be lying in bed and be brought a ball, a bone, or anything his little mouth can pick up that he thinks should be thrown. He perks up all happy and just stares until you throw it or he will push (he knows this command as I am too lazy to move forward to get his items) it at you. It can get annoying but I really wouldn’t have it any other way.
Theo’s best dog friend is probably Rainier, my 9 year old Corgi. He has just known her practically his whole life so he is okay with her. Theo seems to hate :( most other dogs though, he just thinks he is bigger than his britches in this sense, as most other dogs could body slam him. This hate includes Atlas the German shepherd puppy that joined the family last year this time (Atlas loves Theo though).
Theo, Rainier and Atlas in a very rare photo of all 3.
Knowing all this I feel like I can capture a little more of Theo when I paint him. I can really see what the expressions behind the photos I am working from. That is why I really like to learn as much about the subjects I am painting, allowing me to have a greater understanding of them, and let that show in the painting.
Always majestic...
Anyway, Happy Birthday Theodore!